SQS Online: This event was held on 22 December 2020 around UUM. The purpose of this program is to pick up litter around UUM as one of the efforts to protect and preserve the environment to save our earth. The activity started with Zumba lead by one of SQS staff at SQS building. Next, all participants started walking from SQS to Department of Development and Maintenance (JPP), INASIS MAS and ostrich farm. Then we went back to SQS via deer park near to ostrich farm, and crossing the bridge near to Centre for Foundation Studied in Management (ASASI) building. Then, all plastic bags of litters assembled at SQS foyer.
The committee hopes that this program will be used as an annual activity because it can cultivate the spirit of caring for the environment by cultivating a sensitive attitude in protecting the environment among SQS staff.